22nd August 2012

University of Bath


Study Options:

Core Module – Europe and the Wider World: Policy, Polity and Politics

Specialist Module I – Europe in an International World: Trade, Security, Crime

Specialist Module II – Security in Europe and a Globalized World

Thesis Module


The University of Bath is one of the UK’s leading universities, with a vibrant and innovative academic community working on a safe, friendly campus.

Postgraduate study options include taught and research programmes that benefit from links with business and industry, academic strength and research excellence.

The University of Bath scores highly in the National Student Survey.

The taught programmes are designed to meet the needs of individual students and the profession in which they will work.

Students and staff work in partnership with business and industry.  This means graduates enjoy some of the highest rates of employment and starting salaries in the UK.


Dr Milena Romano (Director of Studies)
Email: politics-pg-admin@bath.ac.uk
Web: www.bath.ac.uk